


Peer Reviewed Papers

1. A Portable Language for System Development

M. Calderbank and V.J. Calderbank

Published in Software Practice and Experience, Vol. 1. 367-371 (1971)

2. Some Comments on the Portability of a Large ALGOL Program – The Impementation of SID on KDF9

F.D. Brown, Valerie J. Calderbank and M.D. Poole

Published in Software Practice and Experience, Vol.3 309-321 (1973)

3. A Microcomputer System for Analysis of Plasma Fluctuations

E.M.Jones, C.A.Steed, V.J.Calderbank, E.G.Murphy

Presented at the DECUS Conference, Copenhagen September 1978

4. A Flexible Data-Acquisition System for Fusion Experiments

C.A.Steed, E.M.Jones,V.J.Calderbank

Presented at the SOFT Conference, Padua. September 1978

5. An Automatic Method for Storing and Retrieving Raw Data and Analysed Results

V.J.Calderbank, J.P. Hatfield, J. Pimpernell

Presented at the 11th SOFT Conference, Oxford 15-19 September 1980

6. A Practical Introduction to Expert Systems for Administrators

Jointly presented by Valerie Calderbank, CASS (Culham Advanced Software Systems) and Expertech at Culham Laboratory to an invited outside audience 3/10/89

7. Expert Systems in the UK Nuclear Industry

Valerie J. Calderbank CASS

Presented at Expersys-89 in Paris on 23/10/89

8. Expert Systems in the UK Nuclear Industry

Valerie J. Calderbank CASS

Published by Pergamon Press in”Expert Systems with Applications”

Vol 1 , pp 137-145, 1990

9. TITAN: an information management system for faster retrieval from massive databases using signatures

Valerie J. Calderbank

Published in Program vol. 24, 3 July 1990, pp 253-268

10. IFME – an integrated fault management environment

Valerie J, Calderbank

Published in the Proceedings of the Second Annual Conference of the International Association of Knowledge Engineers (IAKE), San Francisco, October 1990, pp 293-309

11. Directions for Expert Systems in the United Kingdom

Roy Rada University of Liverpool, Chris Mitchell Hewlett-Packard Limited, Peter Smith Sunderland Polytechnic, Valerie Calderbank Culham Laboratory

Published in the Proceedings of “The World Congress on Expert Systems” Orlando, Florida – December 16-19 1991

12. The Knowledge Engineering Profession in the '90s

Valerie J. Calderbank

Presented as a round table discussion for the IAKE conference in Avignon '91. Published in the “Heuristics” Journal of the IAKE.

Internally Reviewed Papers

These papers were published within the organisation I was working for at the time. They had to be reviewed by senior management before they could be published


1. DOG2

An ALGOL Program for the Decomposition of Two Overlapping Gaussians”

E.J.Burge, V.J. Calderbank and A.A.Rush KCL Publication 10/3/67

2. A FORTRAN Program for Elastic Scattering Analyses with the Nuclear Optical Model

Melkanoff, Saxon, Nodvik and Cantor

3. SCAT4

A FORTRAN Program for Elastic Scattering Analyses with the Nuclear Optical Model

V.J. Calderbank KCL Publication 8/6/67


A FORTRAN II Program for Calculating the Isotopic Difference Functions and Gridding Over Chi Squared Space

V.J. Calderbank KCL Publication 16/6/67


An ALGOL Program for Plotting the Forms of The Potentials Corresponding to a given set of Optical Model Parameters and Fitting a Saxon-Woods Potential to the Sum of the Imaginary Parts of the Central Potential

V.J. Calderbank KCL Publication 7/7/67


A brief description of the Algol Kinematics Program written by Dr. N. K. Ganguly

V.J. Calderbank KCL Publication 31/7/67


1. JOSEQ A Job Sequencer

V.J.Calderbank and E.G. Murphy

2. FEVA A Comprehensive Function Evaluation Program

T.J.Martin and V.J.Calderbank Program Library Note (PLN) 3/79 November

This paper describes a computer program written for the PRIME P500 system. Many functions of many variables and parameters can be defined and then evaluated, tabulated and plotted.

3. CULHAM LIGHTNING CLUB Bibliographic and Damage Database

V. Calderbank, C. Hardwick, F. Hollman, D. Law CliC 1-3


This report presents a study of the JET laboratory's computer program library organisation on the IBM mainframe at Harwell. It makes recommendations for an improved and more consistent classification scheme. Alternative methods of implementing this scheme are investigated and some conclusions are drawn. Note that this study was conducted during May and June 1986 and this report refers to the JET libraries as they existed at that time and not at the time the report is dated.

Valerie J. Calderbank

VJC015 22/01/87

5. Modifications to TRACE3D, PARMILA and PARMTEQ

Valerie J. Calderbank

TRACE3D, PARMILA and PARMTEQ are FORTRAN codes developed at Los Alamos for use in designing Linear Accelerators. This document describes modifications which have been made to these codes to enable them to compile and link on the Culham VAX.

VJC011 13/11/86

6. CAL - Culham's Automated Loans System

Valerie J. Calderbank

This document describes CAL- an automated library loans system. It has been written as far as possible in ISO standard PASCAL and runs on an IBM PC and the PRIME

VJC012 8/1/87


This document describes the current computerised library information services on the Prime computer at Culham. Information is given on how to enter new articles on the AES Word Processor, how to transfer files between the AES and the Prime, how to update LIBRIS and run the library bulletin and SDI services.

Tristram Spencer and Valerie Calderbank

VJC014 3/2/87


This document is one of several documents produced as part of a study of the problems involved in converting APRIS (Authority Program Resource Information System) to an alternative hardware/software configuration. This is a detailed report on how APRIS (and RAPIDE programs generally) can be converted to ORACLE. The feasibility of modifying the RAPFOR conversion program to convert from RAPPORT to ORACLE is also discussed,

Valerie J Calderbank

VJC016 3/6/87


This document is one of several documents produced as part of a study of the problems involved in converting APRIS (Authority Program Resource Information System) to an alternative hardware/software configuration. This is a detailed report on how APRIS (and RAPIDE programs generally) can be converted to INGRES. The feasibility of modifying the RAPFOR conversion program to convert from RAPPORT to INGRES is also discussed,

Valerie J Calderbank

VJC017 15/6/87


SPICES is a rule based programming language providing backward and forward chaining, together with the inference engine which controls the firing of the rules. It can be used to develop expert systems in stand alone mode but is particularly powerful when used in conjunction with the free text information retrieval system STATUS.

Valerie J. Calderbank 13/1/89

11. The COTAN Manual

This manual describes all of the commands developed for Culham's multi-access system on the KDF9. COTAN is an acronym for Culham's Task Activation Network. I wrote up some of the commands which I developed but I also managed the whole project.

12. The GHOST Graphical Output System

This describes the Graphical Output System developed at Culham for the KDF9. I didn't develop the system but was asked to write the manual.

13. The LSD Manual

This manual describes the LSD language I developed at Culham. I designed the language called Language for System Development. This was a medium anguage similar to C which was developed at Bell Labs at the same time. I also wrote a compiler for LSD and trained up scientists to program in it. I also collaborated with a colleague to write an interpreter for LSD which could be used for online debugging.


1. A Practical Introduction to Expert Systems for Administrators

Jointly presented by CASS (Culham Advanced Software Systems) and Expertech at Culham Laboratory to an invited outside audience


2. Expert Systems in the UK Nuclear Industry

Valerie J. Calderbank CASS

Presented at Expersys-89 in Paris


3. Expert Systems in the UK Nuclear Industry

Valerie J. Calderbank

Published by Pergamon Press in”Expert Systems with Applications”

Vol 1 , pp 137-145, 1990

4. Software for the Simulation of Failures and Interpretation of Effects (SOFIE)

J. Davies, S. Mennell, V. Calderbank

5. Effective History Matching EHM

The Application of Advanced Software Techniques to the HISTORY MATCHING PROCESS

R.G. Parish, A.J. Watkins, A.H. Muggeridge

V.J Calderbank. A.T Goode, P. Robinson

6. Knowledge Elicitation for an Effective History Matching System

Valerie Calderbank and Paul Robinson


Version 3 November 1992

7. A Brief Overview of Knowledge Acquisition Techniques

Valerie J. Calderbank


8. Effective History Matching EHM

V. J. Calderbank, A, H, Watkins SPE 2520

Presented at the SPE Symposium on Reservoir Simulation, February 28 – March 3, 11/93 New Orleans, Louisiana

9. Neural Networks for Pipeline Leak Detection

Valerie J. Calderbank



May 1995

10. Neural Networks for Pipeline Leak Detection

The Customer Requirements Document

Valerie J. Calderbank


31st August 1995

11. Neural Networks for Pipeline Leak Detection

Functional Specification Document

Valerie J. Calderbank


31st August 1995

12. Neural Networks for Pipeline Leak Detection

Architetural Design Document

Valerie J. Calderbank


31st August 1995

13. Neural Networks for Pipeline Leak Detection

Software Test Plan

Valerie J. Calderbank


31st August 1995

14. Neural Networks for Pipeline Leak Detection

Software Test Plan

PLAC Simulations

Valerie J. Calderbank


31st August 1995


1. A Course on Programming in FORTRAN IV

1st Edition

V.J. Calderbank

2. Programming in FORTRAN

2nd Edition

V.J. Calderbank

3. Programming in FORTRAN

3rd Edition

V.J. Calderbank

4. Programming in FORTRAN

Russian Edition

V.J. Calderbank

5. Programming in FORTRAN

Spanish Edition

V.J. Calderbank

6. Cruising the Cosmos

From Dark Matter to the Big Bang ….. Cruising the Gravitational Waves

Valerie J. Calderbank


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